Taylor Swift

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Common Questions.

Creating a Custom Shirt

I can help you create a custom shirt for any occassion. I do NOT require a minimum. I can do from 1 shirt, all the way to 1 million, but that might take me a long time. Just shoot me a message and lets chat. It will be the easiest online shopping expereince ever.

What type of shirts can you create?


How much is a custom shirt?

A custom shirt can vary in pricing depending on the design. Typically, a single color shirt is around $20 and the price can increase for a full color design. Pricing can also depend on how large the order is. Typically anything over 10 shirts, can qualify for bulk ordering.

What is your turn around time?

Oh man, The T-Shirt Lady is typically known for her fast turn around time.

Turn around time can go from 24 hours-2 weeks depending on the order size. I often get last minute request and if I have everything on had, I am happy to do those last minute.